Be a 2.6 Hero

Published: 21st April 2020

Are you a Hero? Be a 2.6 Hero

Join Huddersfield Giants Community Trust and many others in the 2.6 Challenge.

Do you want to be part of helping HGCT continue to deliver sports into our community. Like many other charities through the UK, funding has been impacted massively through the coronavirus pandemic.

As a result, on Sunday 26th April it was suppose to be the London Marathon. Now the 2.6 challenge has been created and we would like to get everyone involved with a challenge, to help save UK charities, and like many others we need your help, too.

Can you complete an activity such as running 2.6km  or completing 26 press ups? Whatever your age or ability, you can take part.

How to get involved?

  • Create a 2.6 challenge from home – if you need help there are lots of ideas on the 2.6 Challenge website
  • Ask all your friends and family to donate or raise funds for your challenge. You can donate the funds HERE
  • Complete your challenge
  • Share your challenge on social media tagging @GiantsCT and hashtags #TwoPointSixChallenge #HGCT2Point6Challenge

Whatever 2.6 challenge you create with the numbers 2.6 or 26, your support for HGCT through this period is grateful. Most of all enjoy your challenge while keeping active.

Lets create a wall of innovative ideas and help continue the good work we have in place!

When completing your challenge please remember to follow the government guidelines on exercise and social distancing.

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