Compliments & Complaints

Huddersfield Giants Community Trust Customer Complaints Procedure

At Huddersfield Giants Community Trust (HGCT) we care about all of our customers and are committed to delivering an excellent quality of service to all who visit our facility.

We would like to know when you think we have got something right, and also when you think we have got things wrong. We accept that mistakes may be made and that on occasions we may fall below our service standards (available to view in our Customer Charter). In order to ensure that our services are being provided effectively we have an informal and formal complaints procedure. This procedure covers all the services operated at HGCT.


What is a complaint?

A complaint is necessary when:

  • The Trust fails to do something that we said we would do
  • The Trust has done something badly or wrong
  • You feel you have been treated unfairly or impolitely
  • The Trust fails to respond properly to a service request or complaint


How to complain?

Our aim is to resolve any problems on the spot so please ask to speak to the Duty Manager on shift or Head of Department to discuss any issues you may have.

Alternatively you could fill in one of our “Tell It like It Is” forms which can be used to give feedback on our facility and to make suggestions/requests. Forms are available from reception at HGCT.

You can indicate on the form if you wish to receive a response, if so by telephone or via email.

If you are unhappy with our response you can escalate your complaint to a formal Level 1 or you may wish to put your complaint in writing initially if you feel the Trust has severely failed in any aspect of its service.


Formal Written Complaints – Level 1

All formal written complaints should be emailed to:

Or sent to:

Lisa Darwin (CEO)

Huddersfield Giants Community Trust

The Zone

St Andrews Road




Upon receipt complaints will be logged and passed to the relevant Department Head Manager who will ensure that the complaint is fully investigated.

The complaint will be acknowledged within 5 days and a written response detailing the outcome will be sent by the relevant Manager within 28 days. If this time frame cannot be achieved, you will be given a predicted response date.


Formal Complaint – Level 2

If you are still dissatisfied with the response issued by a member of the Management Team, you have the right to request a response from the CEO of the Trust.

An acknowledgement will be sent within 5 days and the CEO will respond within 28 days following investigation.


What Customers can expect?
  • All comments and complaints will be handled with dignity and respect, treating all customers fairly and equally.
  • In response to feedback, clear response of resolves or reasons why action has not been taken will be communicated.
  • Admit when service is wrong and correct at the earliest opportunity.
  • Respond to all customers within the set time frames.
  • Learn from feedback and improve service as a result
  • Ensure if this procedure does not cover your complaint, you will be advised of the next course of action.


Complaints relating to the requirements of the Childcare Register

Parents have a right to complain to OFSTED


Piccadilly Gate

Store Street


M1 2WD

0300 123 1231


Record Keeping

Records will be maintained of all customer feedback together with any responses and outcomes. The Trust will comply with the principles of the Data Protection Act at all times.


Keeping you informed

Feedback will be analysed every quarter to identify trends and ensure that remedial action is implemented.


Huddersfield Giants Community Trust – 01484 442277

In our customers words

Great relationships with the children which promote mutual respect, clear boundaries and great behaviour for learning. Clear structure to the lessons with appropriate teaching points, plenary and vocabulary. I can see clear progress in terms of skills, techniques, confidence and understanding. Acts on feedback throughout the lesson from me and his own formative assessment.

Dan Gough, Heaton Avenue

In our customers words

PE lessons and support in PE lessons are great! Children are enjoying lunchtime clubs. Good relationships with children - building relationships. Sharing tickets to the rugby games with the children and encouraging them to try to watch different sports. The sessions during the breakfast club are extremely engaging and the majority of children who chose to go outside to take part in Jordan’s sessions they are also very fun based and extremely inclusive so all abilities can take part successfully., Jordan is always punctual and is pleasant with the children.

Tracey Dell, Head Teacher, Crossley Fields Junior and Infants School

In our customers words

Becky is amazing her delivery is great. She has a great rapport with the children. Her sessions are engaging and fun and she's teaching my staff a thing or two about sports delivery. All in all, we could not be happier.

Louise Brown, Head Teacher, Headfield Juniors

In our customers words

Rebecca has been brilliant in school. Her management in club time is fantastic and coping with Autistic and ADHD children in sessions as well. Her planning, activity organisation and management, as well as knowledge of the children, and rapport with everyone has been so professional we couldn't have asked for more. The children have really enjoyed all the sessions.

Debbie Douglas, Head Teacher, Saville Town

In our customers words

The sessions so far have been really good and exciting. Teaching staff have mentioned how engaged the children are and how happy they have been the way the lessons have been delivered. The school has been happy with the confidence of the person delivering the lessons as well as their knowledge and professionalism. It has helped teachers working alongside to gain ideas and development in their own practice. Overall the school has been very happy with the delivery of the sessions as well as the person (Jordan) delivering them. Thank You!

Nadeem Sarwar, PE Coordinator Spring Grove

In our customers words

Duane was brilliant, the children loved the sessions, as did the teachers he worked with. One teacher said, "I now feel skilled enough to deliver rugby to my class." The sessions were pitched at the correct level for different ages and the pace and behaviour management were excellent. Here's to next years sessions!

Dave Spencer, Hillside Primary School

In our customers words

James is doing an amazing job at Bruntcliffe. He teaches four very different groups throughout the day and is adaptable in his teaching. He has fit in with the team very well and the students are responding very well to his teaching.

Chris Lindley, Head of Physical Education, Bruntcliffe Academy

In our customers words

Duane's delivery of Sky Try Rugby was fantastic. The children left with a wealth of knowledge on the sport - the have even practised what they have learnt in the playground too. His behaviour management was fantastic and the children responded well to everything he taught. Each one of them made a progression each week. Overall it was loved by all children! We would love it if you could come back again next year!

Miss M Brook, Teacher, Berry Brow

Official Partners

Neon Grid
Purple Dog Ltd
Trust Ford
Ison Harrison Solicitors
Women in Rugby League
SAM Networking
Straight Forward Funding
HR with Confidence
GMC Roofing
Terrence Rybens Barbers
Uniform Exchange
Tiny Steps
St Andrews Motors
Kirklees College
Bee Outdoor
The University of Huddersfield