Local rugby talent EVOLVE with Huddersfield Giants

Published: 7th February 2017

Huddersfield Giants are delighted to announce the launch of a new player development programme, the Giants Evolution Pathway, aimed at developing local talent.

Previously run under the name “Embed the Pathway”, the programme attracted 250 children to the development day sessions. Sessions are run in the school holidays for under 14’s, under 13’s and under 12’s and players will be coached in line with the Giants Academy and First team structures.

The sessions help to develop individual players as well as local community clubs and the local talent pool. From the previous Embed the Pathway programme, two players were promoted to the Huddersfield Giants Scholarship.

The sessions will begin week commencing 20th February 2017 and take place at Leeds Road Playing Fields at a cost of £15 to attend one or all four sessions. All players taking part will also receive a free O’Neills Huddersfield Giants Evolution Pathway training shirt.

Giants Head of Youth, Andy Kelly, commented:

“We want to encourage people that are curious about Rugby League to give it a go and also for kids that want to push themselves. It’s a great opportunity not just for the players but also for coaches and teachers to participate or come along and observe.”

“This programme helps us to identify people and talent, who we think have the attributes to take them forward to the next level. It also helps to give young players an insight into what the next level is, as the content of the programme is designed around it being accessible to all categories.”

To find out more information or to book, please contact rugby@huddersfieldcommunitytrust.co.uk or call 01484 484 170.

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