Football Fun Day at The Zone

Published: 14th August 2019

Here at The Zone we are excited to be able to host another Fun Day for adults with learning disabilities on Tuesday 3rd September  2019, 10:30am-2:00pm for £3 per person (carers are free).

The Fun Day Activities are football-based activities that will be adjusted to meet individual needs including those in wheelchairs. As part of the fun day, players will be taking part in a number of low/moderate level physical activities that are a mixture of both individual and team-based. Activities will be facilitated by a mixture of sports coaches provided by our partners The FA, Huddersfield Giants Community Trust and Kirklees Active Leisure.

We offer FREE parking at The Zone with plenty of room for minibuses should you require a space. We also have an on-site café with plenty of seating for parents/carers that attend.

To book places please email a completed booking form to or ring 01484-343150. If you leave a message, please include a contact name and number!

Places are limited and will be allocated on first come basis. Once booked on please inform us if people cannot attend so places can be allocated to others.

Please make every effort to arrive on time so that coaching staff can access needs and ensure that the activities are safe, appropriate and fun for all concerned.

Please use the following questionnaire to ascertain a person’s suitability to take part.


While all activities are managed and controlled by the coaches leading the event and are pitched at a suitable level for the group, we cannot be fully responsible for the physical health of the players taking part.

As is the nature of football the intensity of the activities will be variable and players participation is completely limited by them/their carers. This said we do make every effort to ensure that all players are included and that the level of activity is not deemed as too strenuous that it would put anyone off attending.


  1. Speak to staff/coaches if they have a concern over an individual.
  2. Inform coaches/staff that a service user has issues which may put them at risk in taking part in any activity.
  3. Observe service users that they are responsible for at all times.
  4. Leave the pitch or take breaks as necessary (some breaks are built into the programme)

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