Giants Education Academy opportunities for Sept 2021

Published: 15th February 2021

Giants Community Trust is planning ahead with their Education Academy for September 2021.

  • Opportunities available to find out more about the Education provisions
  • Insights from former learner, now Giants RL first team player Alfie Schultz

HGCT tutors are offering 1-1 discussions with prospective learners who may be interested to learn about the pathway programmes available for the next stage of their careers.

The Education development academy provides full-time programmes for students aged 16-18 allowing learners to play, learn and train as part of Huddersfield Giants. A dual pathway, learners can achieve a BTEC Level 3 in sport, with options of either training and playing for the Huddersfield Giants Development Academy, or help coach multi-skills in local primary schools with the Community Coaching team.

Learners on the programme have the best possible environment and setup to succeed, with outstanding coaching and tutoring provisions, a first class base – The Zone where all learning and practical elements are conducted. Also included is also extra opportunities for learners to broaden their skill sets with a variety of vocational courses. For more information on the pathways CLICK HERE

HGCT caught up with now Giants RL professional first team player Alfie Schultz who shares his insights into the programme that he completed in Summer 2020. He has followed the same pathway like Matty English and Robson Stevens.

Before signing a pro contract with the Giants you came through the Education Academy programme with HGCT, how did you find the programme?

“I really enjoyed the 2 years that I spent with HGCT, I felt like achieved a lot out of the programme. While at college I was studying for a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport, finishing the course attaining D*DD. I also attained a Level 3 NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) Diploma in Achieving Excellence in Sports Performance, as well as a Level 2 Sports Leaders Qualification, thus allowing me to independently lead a coaching session. All these qualifications have helped bolster my CV, and I’m now enrolled onto a Level 3 Personal Training Course through Huddersfield Giants. My time at HGCT has helped and allowed me to progress onto bigger things both education wise as well as obtaining a professional first team contract at Huddersfield Giants.”

As part of the programme you followed the Rugby League pathway. How did you find studying alongside training/ playing?

“The workload of both college learning and physical activity was really well balanced, which made the whole experience more enjoyable. The support from the tutors and staff at HGCT and The Zone was excellent which allowed me to progress a lot during the course. Help was always there when needed, which was really beneficial to me and the other students. While studying I was also training with Huddersfield Giants Academy 4-5 times per week. Alongside training and playing with the academy I also played quite a few games for the Huddersfield Giants Development Academy team, which I enjoyed as we had a good team.”

What experiences did you gain from the programme that helped you transition into a first team training/ environment?

“I gained a lot of social skills during the programme which has helped me progress into a first team environment. My communication skills and teamwork improved while studying as we always took part in tasks throughout the week that required you to communicate with others and be involved within the session. All this has helped me step up into a new and challenging environment.”

What are your overall views of the facility/ Education setup?

“The facilities at The Zone are great and the tutors were really friendly and always available to offer help and guidance whenever needed. It felt more relaxed and less of a strict teaching environment due to the friendliness of the staff and employees. It’s a really welcoming place and I really enjoyed my 2 years there studying.

We often made use of the 2 indoor 3G pitches, which allowed certain aspects of the course to be more hands on. You also get a feel of independence and responsibility, as you are provided with your own laptop/computer to complete your work on. The equipment and facilities that are at your disposal are really impressive and a great asset to the programme.”

What would you say to anyone who may be interested in joining the Education Academy?

“I’d recommend anyone who is interested in the courses and facilities to get in touch and find out more information. I really enjoyed my time studying as part of the Education Academy as well as having an opportunity to play rugby. I’ve now left with a handful of qualifications that will bolster my CV and be beneficial further down the line.

If anyone may be interested in this opportunity, I really recommend to get in contact!”

If you’d like to discuss options please email our Education manager Jonny Benton who will arrange further details.

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