Published: 28th August 2020
Huddersfield Young citizens grouped together to complete a repurposed NCS program that supported local care homes in the Huddersfield area. A partnership with Hill Care Homes provided the young people with the opportunity to plan and deliver social action to support residents and workers in 2 local care homes. Part of the project was to support residents with seeing a friendly face, and receiving heart-warming donations such as letters, poems and puzzles, some of our young people even recorded themselves musically to send across to the homes.
NCS Manager Katy Stockdale said ‘We became aware pretty early on in the pandemic as to how care homes had suffered through these unprecedented times, when organising the project what struck me was just how isolated residents felt, not being able to interact with there families and loved ones, I knew from there just how much impact the young people could have in this sector locally.
The teams created an afternoon of entertainment for residents, that was delivered virtually which consisted of a bingo bongo event, and a general knowledge quiz. Young person Reece Broadbent commented ‘it was so rewarding to see the smiles on the residents faces, playing songs from there generation and seeing them all happy and singing along, I learnt a lot from the experience and how I can get more involved in my community, thanks NCS’.
The young people also boosted their own skills and completed a 2-day training program with Kirklees Council youth democracy service. The program was provided digitally and gave young people a real insight into there local areas and they have a voice to make a real change.”