Ian Watson to join Reminiscence Session

Published: 18th March 2021

Huddersfield Giants Community Trust welcomes Head Coach Ian Watson to our next Reminiscence Session!

The sessions in partnership with Looking Back first began back in early February, with a keen focus to bring like minded adults together to share their sporting history and memories.

On Thursday 25th March at 1pm Ian has kindly agreed to join the next reminiscence session to share his own memories as a player, coach and stories he has witnessed over the years.

We are certainly excited for this!

Currently with the circumstances, the weekly sessions are held on Zoom every Thursday at 11am. For this specific week we have altered the time to 1pm to suit Ian’s commitments in preparation for the first Giants game.

This session is free to attend with limited spaces available. Booking is required – to request the log in details you need to complete the form below:

    The closing date to request the details is Wednesday 24th March at 4pm. We will contact you once your request has been sent. Please note it’s a first come first serve basis.

    If you are interested for more information regarding the weekly sessions held at 11am full details are available HERE (This does not include the event with special guest Ian Watson)

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