Purple Dog join in partnership with Huddersfield Giants Women Team

Published: 19th December 2019

We are delighted to announce that Purple Dog Ltd has joined on board as a partner for the Huddersfield Giants Women Team for the 2020 Betfred Super League season.

Purple Dog Ltd is a local organisation in Huddersfield that delivers various courses in-house or at their venue. Specialising in first aid, first aid for mental health, canine first aid and health & safety.

Chief Executive, Lisa Darwin commented: “I am extremely delighted to welcome Steve and Helen Moss from Purple Dog as part of the Women Team for the 2020 season. From meeting Steve and Helen they have a big passion and enthusiasm for Women’s rugby and I can’t wait for our relationship to thrive!”

Steve Moss MD at Purple Dog mentioned: “Rugby is in my blood from when I used to be a semi professional rugby player in Huddersfield, which is why having the opportunity to be a partner with The Huddersfield Giants Women’s Team means so much. We are proud and pleased to support this local team as they move forward within the Super League.”

A big thank you to Tim Marsden at St Andrews Motors Company of Huddersfield with the connections he has built over the last 40 years as he has kindly agreed to seek new partners with the focus on moving women’s Rugby League forward in Huddersfield.

Tim Marsden commented: “Unlike traditional sponsorship and simply asking potential businesses for funding, we want partners who will genuinely feel that the Huddersfield Giants Women’s Team is an integral part of their business that will move forward together”

If you have an interest, looking for further information or sponsorship about the Huddersfield Giants Women Team please contact Tim Marsden sales@standrewsmotors.co.uk or 07802533511

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Official Partners

Neon Grid
Purple Dog Ltd
Trust Ford
Ison Harrison Solicitors
Women in Rugby League
SAM Networking
Straight Forward Funding
HR with Confidence
GMC Roofing
Terrence Rybens Barbers
Uniform Exchange
Tiny Steps
St Andrews Motors
Kirklees College
Bee Outdoor
The University of Huddersfield