TMG Become Official Partner of HGCT

Published: 31st October 2018

We are delighted to announce that The Maintenance Group (TMG) have become the latest Official Partner of Huddersfield Giants Community Trust.

TMG is a Huddersfield based M&E company covering the whole of the UK. Specialising in electrical, fire and security, gas, heating and HVAC for commercial and industrial clients, we are best placed to assist multi-site or large businesses with compliance. They offer a bespoke compliance solution for businesses from a 2 room office to large shopping centres. TMG also provide a comprehensive install service throughout the domestic market including full and part rewires, new and replacement boilers and smart home systems.

Chief Exec Lisa Darwin commented: “I am incredibly excited to welcome TMG as the latest Official Partner of the Trust. The whole team ooze enthusiasm and passion, and that is the kind of business we want to work alongside. We are looking forward to working collaboratively with TMG and to have the support of such a hardworking and devoted team.”

Managing Director, Sally Mitchell commented: “As a family run company, our directors are all parents to young children and the ethos of the Huddersfield Giants Community Trust really fits in with our core values. As a company, we are passionate about Huddersfield as an area and the work that the Trust does in the community with children and young adults is fantastic.  We are all incredibly honoured to be Official Partners of the Trust and we are looking forward to working together on a few projects in the coming months.”

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Official Partners

Neon Grid
Purple Dog Ltd
Trust Ford
Ison Harrison Solicitors
Women in Rugby League
SAM Networking
Straight Forward Funding
HR with Confidence
GMC Roofing
Terrence Rybens Barbers
Uniform Exchange
Tiny Steps
St Andrews Motors
Kirklees College
Bee Outdoor
The University of Huddersfield