Published: 6th January 2021
Following the latest government announcement on Monday 4th January, in line with the latest guidelines, all face to face delivery has been temporarily postponed.
The Zone will be temporally closing its doors again, with under 18 supervised activities postponed – including grassroot training and sessions held by clubs and providers.
For participants of programmes/ classes you have been contacted to discuss the temporary postponements.
The safety of staff, participants, and the community is important and we encourage all supporters to stay safe and follow the guidelines.
We will be closely monitoring the guidance and will update you all accordingly of any new developments.
Although face to face sessions are postponed, many of our programmes will continue virtually and safely within the guidelines.
We never envisaged a third lockdown, this is a challenging time for everybody at the moment. If you are struggling, we as a charity are always available to have a chat or offer support.
Take care and stay safe,
Huddersfield Giants Community Trust